2023 Technology Forum

Activity Location:National Taiwan University International Conference Center, Room 201
Activity Time: 112.09.13
Event position: Registration Desk personnel, Access Control personnel, Inside Venue Ushers, Speaker Assistants, on-site guiding staff, Computer Console Operators

Event Overview: The Technology Forum originated from rapid development of AI (Artificial Intelligence), through the findings from institution that had done the research on 1000 American companies, around 93% of them will expend the application of AI, and have a high-speed growth at annual rate of 20% in estimation. In response to the rapid develop of this field, the Technology Forum has been held annually since 2012. In 2023, Technology Forum themed "The Wave of AI Innovation Applications", and invited industry leaders, researchers, and experts such as Shui-Yi Kuo郭水義, Wen-Tsan Cheng鄭文燦, Guocai Wang王國才, and Hsiao-Hsien Yu余孝先, to collectively explore the future trends of AI, seize opportunities, and move towards the new world that AI will bring.

Work content: Assist conference attendees with registration, guiding guests to their seats, and aid in the smooth progression of the forum activities.